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Massimo Iovane

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 6

6 Conclusions   This paper has shown that several elements justify the definition by the Rome’s Tribunal of Jerusalem being a “disputed” capital of Israel. This definition matches well with the actual complexity of that city’s international legal regime. The sheer negative assertion that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel sounds as a too… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 6

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 5

5 The Impact of the Duty of Non-Recognition on the International Status of Jerusalem   Let us consider now how this regime of international non-recognition developed in relation to the status of Jerusalem. It was already seen that the international community has generally rejected Israel’s post-1967 annexation of East Jerusalem. This finds ample confirmation in the practice… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 5

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 4

4 The International Law Sources Relevant to the Status of Jerusalem: in Particular, the Principle of Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force   Going back to the proceedings concerning Jerusalem before the Tribunal of Rome, the abovementioned UN resolutions were pivotal to the Tribunal’s finding, in its Order No. 31253, that… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 4

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 3

3 The Issue of Jerusalem within the Broader Israeli-Palestinian Conflict   In order to analyse the merits of the abovementioned Orders concerning Jerusalem, it is first of all necessary to briefly sketch out the historical process that led the status of this city to become one of the most entangled issues of the broader Israeli-Palestinian… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 3

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 2

2 The Recent Proceedings before Roman Judges Concerning the Status of Jerusalem   The circumstances which brought the complex issue of Jerusalem before the Roman judges are utterly peculiar. On 21 May 2020, in the course of a prime-time game show transmitted by rai, the presenter asked one of the competitors about the capital of… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 2

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 1

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts     1 Introduction   The international legal status of the city of Jerusalem recently came under the scrutiny of the Tribunal of Rome. rai, Italy’s public service broadcasting company, was accused by two Palestinian associations of having… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 1

Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 7

Conclusions. Quelles conclusions peut-on tirer de cet examen de la pratique ? En premier lieu, qu’Israël a subi des violations graves de normes fondamentales du droit international coutumier et conventionnel dès les premiers instants de sa naissance; des normes comme l’interdiction de la guerre d’agression ou l’interdiction pour un Etat d’utiliser ou faire utiliser son territoire… Leggi tutto »Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 7

Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 6

Israël en tant qu’Etat de droit: le rôle de la Cour Suprême. Cette dernière considération du juge Burgenthal nous amène à prendre en considération un tout dernier point intéressant de la question des frontières d’Israël. Il s’agit du rôle joué par la Cour suprême israélienne pour maintenir le conflit israélo-palestinien dans la limite de la… Leggi tutto »Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 6

Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 5

  Les frontières d’Israël entre légalité internationale et sûreté interne: examen de cas particuliers. Passons maintenant à l’examen de questions particulières relatives au tracé frontalier entre Israël et ses Etats limitrophes. Nous concentrerons, en effet, notre attention sur les frontières israélo-égyptiennes, sur la question des fermes de Chebaa entre Israël, le Liban et la Syrie,… Leggi tutto »Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 5

Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 4

Israël: un territoire aux frontières mouvantes. Il n’y a pas de doutes que la création de l’Etat d’Israël s’insère dans le programme d’émancipation des peuples organisé par la communauté internationale à travers la SDN, avant, et les NU après.   1. Le mandat britannique sur la Palestine. Le processus aboutissant à la fondation de l’Etat… Leggi tutto »Droit international et frontières dans le cas israélien. 4